The "Maintenance costs - monthly" and "- yearly" outputs show the monthly average cost for any maintenance tasks, based on your cost inputs.

The maintenance costs include costs related to all scheduled and corrective maintenance tasks.

NOTE: if you are using different currencies in your case, the outputs will not show the currency, as the outputs only sum up, based on the numbers added to the cost inputs.

Description of the outputs:

Column ADisplays the wind farm name (if "default", no wind farm name has been added).
Column BDisplays the maintenance category, which are divided into:
  • Scheduled Maintenance Consumables
  • Scheduled Maintenance Spare Parts
  • Unscheduled Maintenance Consumables
  • Unscheduled Maintenance Spare Parts
Column CDisplays the component. The first number is the asset ID (displayed in the URL when editing an asset) and the name is the task name.
Column DDisplays the calendar month.
Column EDisplays the average values for all TBA values. 
Column FDisplays the P10 TBA values.
Column GDisplays the P20 TBA values.
Column HDisplays the P30 TBA values.
Column IDisplays the P40 TBA values.
Column JDisplays the P50 TBA values.
Column KDisplays the P60 TBA values.
Column LDisplays the P70 TBA values.
Column MDisplays the P80 TBA values.
Column NDisplays the P90 TBA values.
Column ODisplays the minimum value between the different P-values.
Column PDisplays the maximum value between the different P-values.
Column QDisplays the standard deviation. You can read more about the standard deviation on the Wikipedia page.
Column RDisplays the minimum confidence interval (read more about confidence interval here).
Column SDisplays the maximum confidence interval (read more about confidence interval here).
Row 1Displays the column header information.