This article contains information on how to add and edit your Jackets - information on the different data inputs can be found in this article.

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Add Jackets

1.Go to Build → Assets → + Add  → Jacket

When you click on +Add, then Jacketyou will open the list of jackets in your Input Library. Here you will need to click on the jacket you want to add.

2. Now you will need to fill in the necessary information. You have to add: Number of jackets and location (all locations in Shoreline must be using decimal degrees and in EPSG:4326 WGS 84 system).

3.There are several ways to define the site area: 

  • (3.1) Clicking Define site areaThis option allows you to define the area, and the positions are then distributed evenly within the defined area.
  • (3.2) Clicking Place individually on map: The position of each individual turbine is added by simply clicking on the location on the map.
  • (3.3) Clicking ImportThis option allows you to import a file with the location specifications. 
  • (-) Defining the longitude and the latitude manually.
  • (-) Defining the "Completion start date" and "Grid start date" manually
    • NOTE: "Completion start date" is only visible if the Campaign stage "Installation" is disabled in the Case scope

We would recommend you define the site area or import the file - you can read more about importing here.

PLEASE NOTE: For Construction, foundations, wind turbines and substations will have 'Grid start date' which is the date when testing can start from and 'Completion start date' which is the date when the wind farm is completed

3.1   Define site area 

3.1.1 Click  Mark corners on map

You can add as many corners as desired by clicking the  + icon to shape the polygon. 

You can define the site location by placing the corners in the map where the sites will be. You can cancel this option anytime before defining the last point by clicking  Cancel in the top message.

Click  Populate site and the locations of the turbines will be identified.

PLEASE NOTE: You need to do this step. If you do not click on 'Populate site' and just click on 'Add', the corners selected will not be saved. You will need to repeat the process again. 

3.1.2 Click  Add to finish.

3.2  Place Individually on map

Click on:  Place individually on the map

3.2.1 Click on the map to add individual jackets. You will need to repeat this step as many times as needed to all the jackets you will use. 

3.2.2 Click Add to finish.

3.3  Import tab

Jackets can be added to a project using a layout file with coordinates for every jacket. You can always find more information on how the CSV file should look by reading this article: How to create .CSV files for import.

3.3.1 You will need to go to the Import tab and click on Select file to import 

3.3.2 Select Column delimiter and Decimal delimiter, which can be found by opening the layout file in a text software (Word, TextEdit etc.). If the delimiters are correctly defined, the coordinates will be shown for each instance after the next step.

3.3.3 Click  Upload

3.3.4 Click  Add to finish

Edit jackets

1. Click on the jackets you want to edit

PLEASE NOTE: You will first need to add the jackets as shown above and save changes. Only then will you be able to edit.

2. Fill in the inputs in the window.

For O&M Design it will look like this:

For Construction Design it will look like this:

There are several input values for a jacket. Before adding information to the input values it is recommended to give the jackets a(n): 

- Infrastructure title: Is used to identify the asset in the user interface

- Configuration title: This can be used to specify more information

- Wind farm name: Is key when assigning vessels especially in the case that you have multiple wind farms

Next step is to edit all available input values.  See more detail for each input this article.

Duplicate jackets

In any case with jackets already added, you can duplicate the asset, copying all existing parameters, including weather. This can be useful if you have two assets that share parameters, but, e.g., have different locations. Just copy the asset, then edit the location of the duplicate.

  1. Go to Build >  Assets.
  2. Click the three-dot additional options menu icon.
  3. Click Create duplicate on case.
  4. Choose the number of jackets you want to add.
  5. Click Define site area, Place individually on map, or manually enter the coordinates of the jackets to locate them.
  6. Click Add.

A duplicate of the asset will appear, which you can edit as needed.