This article contains information about which weather type is used in the different steps/processes when running a simulation.



Crew transfer vessel

Weather criteriaWeather used
Significant wave height access limitAsset weather file
Visibility access limitAsset weather file

Heavy Lift Vessel

Process stepWeather used
MobilisingBase weather file
LoadoutBase weather file 
Transit to wind farmAsset weather file
Jacking upAsset weather file
InstallationAsset weather file
Jacking downAsset weather file
Transit to next assetAsset weather file
Transit from wind farmAsset weather file
Arrival at baseBase weather file 

Service Operation Vessel

Weather criteriaWeather used
Significant wave height access limitAsset weather file
Visibility access limitAsset weather file
Wind speed access limitAsset weather file


Weather criteriaWeather used
Wind speed access limitAsset weather file
Visibility access limitAsset weather file
Significant wave height access limitAsset weather file

Cable installation vessel

Process stepWeather used
MobilisingBase weather file
LoadoutBase weather file
Transit to wind farmAsset weather file
Cable layingAsset weather file
Cable burialAsset weather file
Transit to next assetAsset weather file
Transit from wind farmAsset weather file
Arrival at baseBase weather file

Towing vessel

Process stepWeather used
MobilisingBase weather file
LoadoutBase weather file
Towing to wind farmAsset weather file
Wind turbine hook upAsset weather file
Transit from wind farmAsset weather file
Arrival at baseBase weather file


Process stepWeather used
MobilisingBase weather file
Transit to turbineAsset weather file
Pre-assemblyAsset weather file
Transit from turbineAsset weather file
Arrival at baseBase weather file

Anchor handling vessel

Process stepWeather used
MobilisingBase weather file
LoadoutBase weather file
Moving to wind farmAsset weather file
InstallationAsset weather file
Cable layingAsset weather file
Cable burialAsset weather file
Transit from wind farmAsset weather file
Arrival at baseBase weather file

Heavy transport vessel / Feeder / Barge

Process stepWeather used
MobilisingBase weather file
LoadoutBase weather file
Transit to wind farmAsset weather file
Jacking upAsset weather file
InstallationAsset weather file
Jacking downAsset weather file
Transit to next assetAsset weather file
Transit from wind farmAsset weather file
Arrival at baseBase weather file

Component transfer vessel

Process stepWeather used
MobilisingLoadout Base weather file
LoadoutLoadout Base weather file
Transit to loadoff baseAsset or loadoff base weather file
LoadoffAsset or loadoff base weather file
Transit back to loadout baseAsset or loadoff base weather file
Arrival at loadout baseLoadout base weather file


Crew transfer vessel

Weather criteriaWeather used
Significant wave height access limitAsset weather file
Lowest tideBase weather file

Heavy Lift Vessel

Weather criteriaWeather used
Significant wave height jacking limitAsset weather file
Wind speed crane operation limitAsset weather file
Wind speed limitation reference heightAsset weather file
Lowest tideAsset weather file
MobilisingBase weather file
DemobilisingBase weather file
LoadoutBase weather file

Service Operation Vessel

Weather criteriaWeather used
Significant wave height access limitAsset weather file
Wind speed access limitAsset weather file
Wind speed limitation reference heightAsset weather file
Lowest tideAsset weather file


Weather criteriaWeather used
Wind speed access limitAsset weather file
Wind speed limitation reference heightAsset weather file
Visibility access limitAsset weather file
Significant wave height access limitAsset weather file

Towing vessel

Process stepWeather used
Mobilising towing inBase weather file
Transit to assetAsset weather file
DisconnectAsset weather file
Tow to portAsset weather file
Tow to wind farmAsset weather file
Preparation for work at portBase weather file
Demobilisation towing inBase weather file
Mobilisation towing outBase weather file
Preparation for work towing outAsset weather file
HookupAsset weather file
Transit to next assetAsset weather file
Transit to portBase weather file
Demobilisation towing outBase weather file


Weather criteriaWeather used
Wind speed limit crane operationBase weather file
Wind speed limitation reference heightBase weather file