This article will give you a nice introduction to the definitions and terms used within Shoreline, as well as provide you with links to all sections. Some terms you use could be a bit different to what you might find in Shoreline, but do not worry; here you will find all definitions of terms used in Shoreline. 


Shoreline Products

Con DesignThe Construction Design is a Shoreline tool used for doing a long-term simulation of an installation.
ConExThe Construction Execution is a Shoreline tool used for daily planning during the installation process.
O&M DesignThe O&M Design is a Shoreline tool used for doing a long-term simulation of an operation.
OMExThe O&M Execution is a Shoreline tool used for daily planning during the operational process.

Input library 

See more about the input library here.

Input LibraryThe input library is the section where you add all your bases, assets, logistics, and weather data. This will work as your database and must be used for building cases.
AssetsAn asset is used in a technical plant, e.g. a turbine, substation or a cable.
BasesThe bases tab is where you can add a port or offshore bases.
LogisticsThe logistics are all means of transfer used in the wind farm operational and installation processes like CTVs, SOVs, and HLVs.

Weather is the section where you can add as many weather data as you want. You can then select which files you want for each case. This information is used in the simulation.


You can learn how to create projects and cases here. How to share folders with your colleagues can be found in this article.

FolderThis is the name of the project you are working on. You can add as many cases in one project as you like.
CaseThis is the simulation you will run in your project. You can create as many cases for one project and compare them against each other. The cases contain the data entries with their defined characteristics which will make the simulation run in the end.

Input library data and Building Cases


Offshore baseAn offshore base is a location where the technicians stay when they don't return to the harbour overnight. This can be, e.g. an SOV.
PortA port is an onshore location.


Use this article if you want to edit or add new assets in your case. If you are adding assets to your input library, this article might help. 

Wind turbineAn offshore wind turbine is an asset that generates power.
SubstationA substation collects, transforms and exports the power generated by the wind turbines
CableThere are two different types of cables in an offshore wind farm - inter-array cables and export cables. The power that is generated by the turbines is transported by inter-array cables to the substation. From the substation, export cables carry the power onto land
FoundationThe foundation is the base of a turbine or substation. You can add monopiles, transitional pieces, jacket
GroutingGrout is applied between the piles/monopiles and the jacket/transition pieces. This happens after the final installation of the piles/monopiles and the jacket/transition pieces


Adding different types of transport can be done in the input library. Defining how the vessels will be used is done in the case itself. See here for the best way to add vessels and define the logic of how they will be used. Within Shoreline you are able to add any of the below transports: 

Crew transfer vesselA Crew transfer vessel (CTV) is used to transfer teams from the harbour or offshore base onto an asset and back. A Crew Transfer Vessel is a smaller type of vessel with a capacity to carry between 10 - 25 people in all.
Heavy lift vesselA Heavy lift vessel (HLV) is used for major component replacement and installations. A Heavy Lift Vessel is able to lift up so that it stands above the water.
Service operation vesselA Service operation vessel (SOV) is used as an offshore base and to transfer teams to the assets. The SOV stays in/near to the wind farm and only drives back to the harbour for the port call. Most SOVs have the capacity to carry between 40 - 60 people in all.
HelicopterA helicopter is used to transfer teams from the harbour/offshore base to an asset and back again.
Cable installation vesselA Cable installation vessel (CIV) is used to install different kinds of cables. This type of vessel is not used for maintenance.
Towing vesselA towing vessel is used to transfer turbines with floating foundations from the wind farm to the harbour and back.
Crane A crane is used to do assembly of wind farm assets and the major component replacements on turbines with floating foundations at the port.
Anchor handling vesselAn Anchor handling vessel (AHV) is used to install floating wind turbines, mooring foundations and cables.
Feeder vesselA Feeder vessel (HTV/feeder) is used to supply the HLV with the wind farm assets on site.
Component transfer vesselA Component transfer vessel is used to transfer components from one port to another.


In this section, you can define the technician that will be needed to complete the case. This can be internal staff as well as external Contractors. See this article to learn how you can add personnel as well as how to link them to different transports and tasks.


Learn more about Strategy settings here for ConDesign, and here for O&M Design.

StrategyIn this section, you can fill in high-level information for the strategy of a wind farm. This information can be about the vessels, critical limit values, priorities or task sequences.
CostThe costs you can add here are the fixed cost. However, within the system, there are multiple areas where you can add cost. See here for O&M Design and Con Design.

Running a Simulation and Output 

A simulation is what you run once the case set up is complete. This will simulate the case you build and provide you with output/results. This article can help you learn how to run a simulation.  


There are four ways you can use the weather files in the simulation. Learn more about logic and weather in simulation here.

DisableThe simulation will not take into account any weather data. It will run the case ignoring the weather parameters. It is recommended to analyse logistics performance only.
HistoricThe simulation will follow the time period that the weather data is based on. If the simulation period exceeds the weather data period, it will loop back to year 1 and start over again. It is recommended to analyse logistics performance taking into account weather restrictions.
IncrementThis runs the weather time series as imported but stated from January 1 starting from different weather years (simulation run 1- weather year 1, Simulation run 2- weather year 2, etc.).
MarkovHere, a completely new weather data is generated, applying the Markov probabilistic distribution based on the weather data file provided. It will match the weather data among periods.  Learn more about the Markov model here.